a Song's spark . . . Today
Bittersweet memories here. I was 15 and and friend took me to an older
(18) friend's apartment. This guy was a speed freak living with his
girlfriend and they had just had a baby. I was introduced to the needle
and something called Wyamine, an over the counter nose inhaler. Spent a
few weekends shooting this crap that could melt the porcelain on the
toilet (where we'd often cook it). His girlfriend played the song
repeatedly while we were there (and usual prior to our nights in the
cemetery chasing little green goblins). Terrible shit. . . He, the 18
year old with the baby, died within 3 months of me getting to know him.
Today was played at the funeral. I don't think I've ever cried so
f**king hard. Glad to be alive, absent of narcotics, and still listening
to the great songs of the 60's.