Homeless, 1988

Homeless, 1988

Making a film is not an easy task.  In fact, it is one of the most difficult undertakings in the world—especially without money. I tried making mainstream films; I tried "legitimate" screenwriting; it involves structure, plot points, commercialism, restrictions . . . Absent of a high school diploma and unable to afford a “proper” education, my thirst for knowledge often led me to the many of the libraries around LA, researching every great filmmaker or director, while seeking work as an extra or a Production Assistant. I drudged for years at menial task while trying to get a commercial script I wrote, Die Quickly, Deadly, and Without Reason, produced. Nothing ever became of it.

I shopped it around for a while. My hopes were to get two young television actors I thought would be great for the roles, to star in it and at one point I had the opportunity to pitch it to some execs. I summoned all the courage I could and with a little help from Jim Beam I stumbled through a synopsis of the piece and naively believed the execs would see its potential especially utilizing these two young actors . . .  continue to chapter


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